Betty Boop Rose

Behold The Betty Boop Rose   Prolific. Beautiful. Resilient. Tough to the point of belligerent defiance. Like most roses, she carries weapons and knows how to use them. She resides in a corner of my back yard. She bears a remarkable resemblance to the Wild Meadow Rose that grows in and around the northern Black […]

Tube Lichen

I’ve been tramping through North American forests for 60 years and I haven’t seen these before. Referring to the little green antlers sticking up in the air. A bit of literature searching reveals these are quite common. Called Cladonia Ochrochlora , a common fruticose lichen. Cladonia, pronounced Clad-own-ee-ah, is a cool enough word in its […]

Images From The Textured Forest…

Not a real forest in the usual sense. But, just barely real enough that you can see these. I’ve been playing with adding textures to images off and on for years. My library of textures has grown beyond all reason. There’s a new album of images like this at in the gallery called “Current […]

Jewel Thieves

Thought for the day: The precarious human predicament owes its existence to thieves. Jewel thieves. Good ones. Except that “jewel” is misspelled. The word is joule. A term describing energy. That’s important to humans because we use joules all the time. We use them every second of every day our entire lives. Without them we’d […]

Bird Of Paradise Plant, delivered.

Angular, was my first impression of this unusual plant. Wondering at the name, I backed up to get a better look at it. The flowering part of this plant does bear a striking resemblance to the head of a large water bird. Thus, its other name: Crane Flower. I digress. The plant was delivered to […]

10000 Square Meters

There’s a new image gallery at called, simply, 10000 Square Meters. Honestly, I’m amazed at the number of images that ended up there. They represent the exploration of a tiny patch of the Bighorn National Forest in central Wyoming. The Bighorn National Forest is millions of acres and gazillions of trees. It is big […]

Wildflowers in the Black Hills

After a seemingly endless winter with record snow falls a weekly occurrence, we slogged through a June of near record rain accumulation. The wildflowers of the northern Black Hills responded with an equal ferocity. First to appear in early June was a perfusion of purple blooms. Penstemon, a trumpet shaped beauty, covered the lower hillsides. […]

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