Betty Boop Rose

Behold The Betty Boop Rose   Prolific. Beautiful. Resilient. Tough to the point of belligerent defiance. Like most roses, she carries weapons and knows how to use them. She resides in a corner of my back yard. She bears a remarkable resemblance to the Wild Meadow Rose that grows in and around the northern Black […]

The Power Of The Print

Somewhere I read that information is being amassed and recorded at a rate so prodigious that no single human could read even a single day’s record in his/her entire lifetime. This assertion seems reasonable to me. So what of the historian of the future? Humans, if they still exist, many hundreds of years from now […]

Rattlesnake! Not again.

Prairie Rattlesnake

Having just added a post about the scarcity of rattlesnakes and encounters with them, I find I must amend that post. Yesterday, on a trek up the side of a hill I’ve been up hundreds of times, I happened upon two Prairie Rattlesnakes within 40 feet of one another. This particular hillside and I have […]

Wildflowers in the Black Hills

After a seemingly endless winter with record snow falls a weekly occurrence, we slogged through a June of near record rain accumulation. The wildflowers of the northern Black Hills responded with an equal ferocity. First to appear in early June was a perfusion of purple blooms. Penstemon, a trumpet shaped beauty, covered the lower hillsides. […]

Luminosity masking revisited

So you wanna see luminosity masking in operation, huh? Here’s a link to a roll-over image of mine demonstrating before and after masking, roll your mouse on to and off the image:  “Waterfall Luminosity Masking Demo “ The second image has been cropped slightly so it jumps a bit on the rollover. This is an […]

Odd place for a Christmas tree.

Subject came up in conversation that a print I made that was circulated locally in a very limited fashion doesn’t appear in any of the galleries here. Whoops! Bit of an oversight. I’ll post it here until I decide where to put it. It is actually one of a series of shots from this location. […]

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