Keywords. Or, how to organize your photo library.

For a very long time I’ve been going to write a post on how to add keywords to an image library. I haven’t because the topic is daunting, complex, multilayered and just plain hard. While I’ve been using my own controlled vocabulary to add hierarchical keywords to images for several decades that doesn’t imply I […]

Color Grading

Here are a few juxtaposed images demonstrating what all the hype surrounding color grading is about. It’s powerful stuff. Changing the entire look and feel of an image in just a couple of seconds is a ton of fun. As an added benefit, once you create a color grade that blows your hair back you […]

Reports of my death are in error

As you can see it has been nearly a year since my last post. Deplorable, I know. I have an excuse. A legitimate excuse. It’s a bit personal though so I’d rather not share it. Suffice it to say it was a medical thing . That “thing” is now a part of my past and […]

Goblin Valley Album Is Available For Viewing

For your viewing pleasure,an album of images from Goblin Valley, Utah is now up at   If you would prefer the more direct link try this: Goblin Valley Album – direct. More albums from this strange place may be forthcoming as I’ve got hundreds of marvelous images of it. PP

Goblin Valley

  The Universe. Stranger than we imagine. Stranger than we can imagine.   Goblin Valley is in Utah. It’s as strange a place as exists in the natural world. The geological features here are bizarre. Utah is filled with awesome geology. I’ve been photographing Utah for years, as have hundreds of photogs. It’s mesmerizing and […]

Images From The Textured Forest…

Not a real forest in the usual sense. But, just barely real enough that you can see these. I’ve been playing with adding textures to images off and on for years. My library of textures has grown beyond all reason. There’s a new album of images like this at in the gallery called “Current […]

Variations on a Bonsai Wolf

Say hello to the amazing Bonsai Wolf, Rocky. At just over 5 pounds he’s the ideal size for the blinding speed the breed is known for. Add that to his keen predatory instincts, razor-sharp teeth and ruthless nature and you’ve got an embodiment of the perfect killing machine, an evolutionary pinnacle in the long history […]

Updates at my main website.

Huge changes are in the works at, If you haven’t been there in a while it’s worth the trip. New design. New layout. Just new. There used to be around a thousand images for viewing/sale. Things have been trimmed. A lot. Some of the images will be returning to the various galleries and albums. […]

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